1/. The FlexRadio PGXL sold by Comtek Radio is not Type Approved for commercial use in Australia. It does have all CE certifications allowing it to be used in Australia for Amateur Radio use.
2/. This amplifier can easily exceed the current power limit allowed to Advanced Licensees in Australia. It can just as easily be run at our legal limit and be ready for any increase in our limits that may occur in the future. The onus is on the operator to maintain the power O/P to stay within the legal limits of his/her license.
Chances are, your existing radio does everything promised and then some. It functions flawlessly and performs at a level with little left to be desired. But one can never have too much power. Which is where the Power Genius XL amplifier comes into play. The Power Genius XL takes your perfectly good radio and amplifies its performance exponentially. It’s exceptionally clean and delivers full legal-limit power at 100% ICAS duty cycles. And it’s the only fully SO2R-capable amplifier on the market with 70dB nominal isolation between transceiver inputs. Like our entire product lineup, it is monitored and automated through an integrated Ethernet connection. It takes your existing radio and turns it into a legal-limit beast.
Plug and Play
The Power Genius XL is network capable with an Ethernet connection built-in. This means it completely and seamlessly integrates with any FLEX-6/8000 Series radio. And the fully integrated meters and controls allow the amp to be controlled from SmartSDR, whether on SmartSDR for Windows, iOS, or your Maestro. All through your network. Yes, it’s really that simple.
Should you choose to run this amplifier with other brands, this is easily achieved by connecting to the serial ports (it has 2 allowing different brand radios to control the amplifier), instead of using the LAN. It also has CI-V ports to connect to Icom transceivers.
The PGXL Application allows you to connect to the amplifier to monitor the amplifier separately.
More Power Equals Less Cost
While increasing power is the primary reason for the existence of the Power Genius XL, there are other benefits that come with it. Frustration-free contesting goes hand-in-hand with reducing the cost and complexity of your setup. The PGXL lets you run SO2R (single operator, 2 radio) with one amp and one radio. When paired with a FLEX-6/8000 Series radio, it’s a plug and play SO2R that will greatly reduce your station costs.
The most common comments on this amplifier are;
- No tuner
- You can't run 1-2Kw into a non resonant antenna. If you use resonant antennas, you don't need a tuner!
- The Tuner Genius will allow you to stretch the bands out further in a more ergonomic way than any built-in Amplifier ATU does.
- No Antenna Switching
- Competing amplifiers have up to 4 separate antennas
- The Antenna Genius works seemlessly with the radios connected to a PGXL
- This gives you 8 antenna choices (and more if you cascade the switches)
- It is LAN connected so can follow your band setting (if you are using a Flex), or it can connect to most radio CAT ports to do the same thing.
- Can be controlled manually, locally or via the internet using an Application provided and supported by FlexRadio.
- Competing amplifiers have up to 4 separate antennas
- It is so reliable!
- The amp doesnt move into standby until the VSWR reaches 3:1. This means you can stretch the bandwidth limit out further (on reduced power), but stay in the game. No amplifier alarming out when the balun gets warm...
- It will run at 1Kw all day. I run mine at 400W (our maximum limit in Australia) on the 80m broadcast on Sunday nights for an hour of transmission at a time and the amplifier temperature rarely moves above 62 degrees.
- It is clean
- This amplifier sounds so good on air.
- Intermods 70dB below carrier
- It is supported in Australia
- We have had two failures so far in 3 years selling this amplifier. Both were repaired in Perth inside less than 2 weeks (including getting parts from the maufacturer to affect the repair). The support provided by both the OEM and FlexRadio has been great.
This is the best toy ever!